Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 012: 12 January 2012

Theme:  Beginnings
Although this does not look like much right now, it will be a crusie ship terminal by summer.  I thought it would make an interesting entry for this theme.  When it is completed, I will have to post a final picture.


Anonymous said...

And will make a great project! Pick a point that you can photograph from well into the future and take a weekly/monthly shot.Same settings FL and aim point of the big picture would be great.

Anonymous said...

I am sure in a short amount of time this will be one different scene, looking forward to seeing it's completion!

Lois said...

Will be interesting to see the finished project.

BobbieCoughlin said...

It seems like such a bleak and stark beginning. The photo is almost monotone what with the soft oranges and somber browns.

Anonymous said...

I’m with "danudindownunder" on making a collection of photos of this project. Great history and fun to watch. Good photo.