Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 011: 11 January 2011

Theme:  Symbols
Well today I went for a walk at lunch since it was sunny in the hopes of finding something interesting to take a picture off.  For today, I decided to go with Symbols.  I have seen these symbols on one particular building for two years and have often wondered if they have any meaning, but have not yet had any luck determining if they do or not.  I also noticed as I was cropping this image that the window on the left has an interesting pattern.  I will have to keep that in mind for my next venture up to the city market.


Anonymous said...

Seems Celtic to me, although that's just guessing.

Ericca B. said...

It's amazing how a list of themes can encourage us to stop, and take a deeper look at things! I am also curious as to the nature of the symbols.

Lois said...

Love the pattern in the window . . . looks like face. Interesting symbols.

Anonymous said...

They have me wondering what they mean...but what a cool find!

BobbieCoughlin said...

The looks almost runic, don't they?

Helen said...

Interesting....does make you wonder!

Anonymous said...

You have piqued my interest as to what these symbols mean, keep us posted if you find out.
Looks like art in the left window. Good catch.