Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 008: 08 January 2012

Theme:  Seashore

Well this morning, Neelix and I went to St. Martins.  It is a beautiful place to be in the summer.  It is the gateway to the Fundy Trail.  Over the next year, I will be posting pictures from this area.


Jacki said...

Such a beautiful part of the world so close to your doorstep, I've just watched a short youtube video on the Fundy trail so your photos should be a real treat.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, but don't forget to close the gate.

Lois said...

Beautiful seaside scene.

Anonymous said...

Pure jealousy...wish I had this type of view a drive away...breathtaking!

BobbieCoughlin said...

That long lovely sweep of curving coast adds to the sense of serenity.

Rose said...

lovely perspective, emphasised by the lines of foam and water. I feel as though there is much to explore there