Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 006: 06 January 2012

Theme:  Pet

Well tonight I spent most of the evening working on a Cisco certification and lost track of time.  Once again I found myself looking for something that would be easy to do around the house and thought of Neelix.  Appearing yet again is our puppy for the theme of Pet.  I am sure he will show up a few more times over the coming year.  With the weekend now upon us, I plan on getting out and away from the house for the themes for Saturday and Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Looks like we are in for Oodles of Poodkes. LOL

Anonymous said...

I hope Neelix keeps showing up on your blog...he is just adorable! Love that hair do! :)

Lois said...

He looks quite the gentleman.

Anonymous said...

Peeking out at your camera as if to say, "WHAT do you want?!?" Cute photo.

Anonymous said...

Love this Neelix! He has such a dignified yet "rumpled old gentleman" look to him. Makes me want to give him a big hug.