Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 003: 03 January 2012

Theme:  Abstract

Well today was one of those days where time was once again a precious commodity.  therefore I had to result to items around the house to create an abstract image.  What I came up with was a zoom explosion on a lamp with some post image editting.  It will have to do for my image submission for the day.


Ericca B. said...

This is a really neat shot. :o) Sometimes it is hard to find the time, but I think the important thing is that you MADE time for your challenge. What type of editing did you do?

Anonymous said...

I think I saw that in a Harry Potter Movie.

BobbieCoughlin said...

Very cool! If that's what you can do when you're pressed for time, I look forward to seeing what you produce the rest of the year.

Jacki said...

Very cool indeed, sort of reminded me of an oil slick in a puddle.

Anonymous said...

So unique and creative...I'd say you nailed this one (no time worked in your favor)!

Wharf_Rat said...

Thanks for the comments everyone. The post editting was glowing edges using corel paint shop pro.

Theresa said...

I love the colours and pattern.

Lois said...

WOW! You nailed the abstract perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Nice feeling!